
Frostval 2023 AC Gifting Event

Total ACs Gifted this Season: 152,464,000
Number of chars Received a Gift: 64,350
Read Design Notes to learn more.

Highest Gifting Totals

This is the list of top 1000 players that have given the most Adventure Coins this season. We thank you for your kindness and generosity!

Character ACs Given
vaza 1,500,000+
Nosferatu 1,150,000+
Gas 400,000+
Daylah 350,000+
mandyr 350,000+
popinloopy 350,000+
infernophoenix15 300,000+
Shogunknight 300,000+
nesa 300,000+
Goldbrion 250,000+
Joerift0 250,000+
ddj23 200,000+
Glorious 200,000+
King Vlad 200,000+
Khanto 200,000+
Sage Vino 200,000+
Sleepeh 200,000+
zcx 200,000+
Syko 200,000+
Xiang 200,000+
Ole 200,000+
Ahyen 200,000+
Power Within 150,000+
The Divine Spirit 150,000+
Nymeros 150,000+
to0to0689 150,000+
Hayleigh_ 150,000+
Veotrix 150,000+
Spartace 150,000+
Jes 150,000+
Gran Turino 150,000+
Oshino 150,000+
l 150,000+
TheNames Mia 150,000+
Pole 150,000+
Sepulchures Shadow 150,000+
Sylas Black 150,000+
Incendus 150,000+
Bringer of Locusts 150,000+
Chris396 100,000+
Scp 100,000+
Darth Machina 100,000+
C R O 100,000+
The Chosen Onee 100,000+
XShadowRaidenX 100,000+
splashh 100,000+
zmwv 100,000+
Wsp_Blaze 100,000+
Tiberia 100,000+
hyrar 100,000+
B1TB00P3R 100,000+
Ivampi 100,000+
Demonx_ 100,000+
Excluded 100,000+
Skilledx 100,000+
Bentham 100,000+
Wolfspirit 100,000+
Artmus 100,000+
Aladdin 100,000+
UAE 100,000+
Tuggernaug 100,000+
wolfskruit1 100,000+
Slaine 100,000+
Zlatan X 100,000+
coolman0012 100,000+
n e x t 100,000+
Zekyu 100,000+
Sayu Chan 100,000+
RomeoSD 100,000+
True DoomKnight 100,000+
Unholy_sinner 100,000+
Doomed User 100,000+
Nagant 100,000+
kairi x 100,000+
Y0riichi 100,000+
Charlastik 100,000+
Zebex0978 100,000+
Omarr 100,000+
Thae 100,000+
Hakamura 100,000+
Azaia Momo Monota 100,000+
M7D 100,000+
Arogar 100,000+
FallenXstar 100,000+
Kit 100,000+
Dovey 100,000+
BonQweeQwee 100,000+
megatech2431 100,000+
Fenz Sly 100,000+
doctor shotgun 100,000+
Lyh 100,000+
Lucifer 100,000+
Amadri 100,000+
Notes 100,000+
Souverain 100,000+
Hallowed Chaos 100,000+
Khardin 100,000+
Sarah Von Richtofen 100,000+
Nacho 100,000+
Metrea 100,000+
Aku 100,000+
kookez 100,000+
Admiral Horkbijar 100,000+
SOULSHIIN 100,000+
Kaan 100,000+
nesutah 100,000+
K3lz 100,000+
Boush 100,000+
Yataki_Katisu 100,000+
Clumpty 100,000+
Kaalceum 100,000+
gal 100,000+
bugha 100,000+
gab0r 100,000+
Vaw 100,000+
Shank 100,000+
GAND1 100,000+
NICOLICO 100,000+
Facilier 100,000+
ballora 100,000+
Daegra 100,000+
Demonium 100,000+
Chuunibyo 100,000+
Sobrenatural 100,000+
kirbena 100,000+
olivia8844 100,000+
Godjira 100,000+
Kalzaar 100,000+
Kyaw Hsi 100,000+
Ne me 100,000+
Lorekor 100,000+
Bronze 100,000+
46Top 100,000+
Zecaledon 100,000+
xTheEmperor 100,000+
Yukine Ren 100,000+
Serp 100,000+
Ad Mortem 100,000+
Yasvagun 100,000+
Imamiah 100,000+
Vonellion 100,000+
Bruno_ 100,000+
Proverb 100,000+
Natsuki 100,000+
IEcho 100,000+
Jesica 100,000+
pipinds 100,000+
15Prince 100,000+
merkij 100,000+
scressin 100,000+
Esasis 100,000+
qwows 100,000+
O Professor 100,000+
Froszt 100,000+
Alberto Muniz 100,000+
Laix 100,000+
matheus binda 100,000+
Blackout51 100,000+
Niallls 100,000+
devil fox_cool 100,000+
Gorish 100,000+
Eldlich 100,000+
PaytonMaster334 100,000+
DehFoxz 100,000+
q tr 100,000+
Mam 100,000+
doom dragon7 100,000+
Echoblast 100,000+
Felmyst 100,000+
Junk 100,000+
uki 100,000+
Techno 100,000+
MichaelStarr 100,000+
Battlerobo 100,000+
Omitted 100,000+
Zagnut 100,000+
jackson16 100,000+
Ancient 100,000+
LordGugaxrock 100,000+
Midna 100,000+
Void Ryder 100,000+
Xenan 100,000+
AC holic 100,000+
SanityPotion 100,000+
jahnn 100,000+
Skog 100,000+
Rhaga 100,000+
Legerity 100,000+
Iradas 100,000+
xandecco 100,000+
Albion Pendragon 100,000+
DeathNote_ 100,000+
Spiera 100,000+
DaneDolla 100,000+
Jheeu 100,000+
rediheus 100,000+
Ojo 100,000+
ace238 100,000+
Marseo 100,000+
Yujjisol 100,000+
Shuckman 100,000+
Yewx 100,000+
joshua flores 100,000+
rwb 100,000+
Bos Kendrick 100,000+
H O T M E M E S 100,000+
Vladan 100,000+
VLE 100,000+
dragon slayer55 100,000+
Yoz 100,000+
Curious Fox 100,000+
HUA DOR 100,000+
KOG 100,000+
Bag 100,000+
Iscy 100,000+
Arcane Latte 100,000+
Finon 100,000+
GADOR MA 100,000+
Svens 100,000+
Zyxone 100,000+
D e e 100,000+
Xeighart 100,000+
toymaker 100,000+
Shibby God 100,000+
esqueloto 100,000+
Duwahkeen 100,000+
Thigh Enthusiast 100,000+
Shrine Fox Yuki 100,000+
AroWtic 100,000+
Jester of Thorns 100,000+
Roachhh 100,000+
Syrius VII 100,000+
Dissue 100,000+
Vanede 100,000+
Xenagos 100,000+
ariel_77 100,000+
Zanxle 100,000+
TiberiousSabet 100,000+
KGN 100,000+
Sella 100,000+
Gobna 100,000+
Halcyonn 100,000+
Zioh 100,000+
deathreaper9090 100,000+
L u c i u s 100,000+
jgeq5051 100,000+
Hjjhey 100,000+
Aeju 100,000+
Ina 100,000+
Jyul 100,000+
kraven maximus 100,000+
lordj33 100,000+
Metokur 100,000+
Csak1magyar 100,000+
Jase 100,000+
Clymenus 100,000+
Frydorr 100,000+
sanfure de ouro 100,000+
captain of lords 100,000+
deadxchaos 100,000+
MachinaMaster 100,000+
Electrify 100,000+
Volfy 100,000+
Willian 100,000+
alekeh 100,000+
ChrisX091 100,000+
TwoPie 100,000+
Mythril 100,000+
PIKZ 100,000+
Azriael 100,000+
Demonhunter 100,000+
Ranzeed 100,000+
Lelyvia 100,000+
Yoplay 100,000+
Earth 100,000+
SyI 100,000+
aL3rT 100,000+
bigby18 100,000+
Asketa 100,000+
Cichol 100,000+
Utsuro 100,000+
Severa 100,000+
reeces pieces 100,000+
MARCKK 100,000+
Omega Blade 100,000+
Claira 100,000+
shanemaster1995 100,000+
Azarus 100,000+
dragon6676 100,000+
C Peace 100,000+
NoLife25 100,000+
Lamar 100,000+
Lzix 100,000+
Darkwolf143 100,000+
kiam_ 100,000+
Alyster Vaeyn 100,000+
Star Hero 100,000+
K1m 100,000+
drogon rider 100,000+
Salacia 100,000+
REC 100,000+
Abbie 100,000+
Darkbane the Destroyer 100,000+
Poliahu 100,000+
Crypta 100,000+
Precinotti 2 100,000+
BusterBlader8 100,000+
integra Dremora 100,000+
Li Xiu 100,000+
topquek 100,000+
Mr Wandaro 100,000+
Ameyza 100,000+
dragon masterx99 100,000+
RKC 100,000+
Jacob23432 100,000+
Fogo 100,000+
Fangcitius 100,000+
Denolth 100,000+
Sir Ariel 100,000+
Zilon 100,000+
ExileDragon47 100,000+
LightFlare 100,000+
Slothful Entity 100,000+
Eats 100,000+
Khaizan 100,000+
Daminineon 100,000+
Eagle 100,000+
ZERO EX7 100,000+
Corpster 100,000+
freedon82009 100,000+
LeonPdmg 100,000+
Adam lanoue 100,000+
Flutten 100,000+
Jodaddy 100,000+
FLYG0D 100,000+
Presion 100,000+
Twillz 100,000+
Foxy 100,000+
Kaylene 100,000+
Mos 100,000+
Wanderson_ 100,000+
Jif 100,000+
Zim 100,000+
Parlethe 100,000+
Xazo 100,000+
CUPID XD1 100,000+
Algant 100,000+
YINRD 100,000+
Mikoto Ryu 100,000+
eoda 100,000+
NoxScelus 100,000+
Cyn 100,000+
Ryokao 100,000+
Hitori689 100,000+
Rystar 100,000+
Thelokete 100,000+
StrangerAE 100,000+
fubukenji 100,000+
sare2 100,000+
Sue Desu 100,000+
Tacky 100,000+
Elektron 100,000+
m3tropoly 100,000+
El Goblina 100,000+
Raabjerg 100,000+
Bej 100,000+
Rythium 100,000+
Vandra 100,000+
HD Arkcon 100,000+
Mastertaiemo 100,000+
DeKreaulf 100,000+
Natto Gohan 100,000+
Vulcun 100,000+
Jet 100,000+
Trydeth 100,000+
Gwen 100,000+
Gold 100,000+
Priest_Hidan 100,000+
Enzo 100,000+
jelblue 100,000+
Salathrael 100,000+
woes 100,000+
Mailo 100,000+
yir 100,000+
Help 100,000+
Vibbeh 100,000+
Host 100,000+
Marciera 100,000+
Ricarte 100,000+
AG Legend 100,000+
epocaliptic rabbit 100,000+
adage 100,000+
Zealot Doomknight 100,000+
killerpp2 100,000+
joey35 100,000+
antisam 100,000+
CrimsonDragonLord 100,000+
Wolfsky 100,000+
guy 100,000+
Lucifael 100,000+
Spudzilla 100,000+
DonSword 100,000+
SimplyKenny 100,000+
tacaz 100,000+
Kaxes 100,000+
taomon 100,000+
Gjappy 100,000+
Canes 100,000+
mpayne6 100,000+
Sylveon 100,000+
Kanista 100,000+
Reingoat 100,000+
lord cloud geass 100,000+
silencer67 100,000+
Lordul Infernului 100,000+
Primus Prime 100,000+
Merelehta 100,000+
barilin_kita 100,000+
Ymidas 100,000+
Mick 100,000+
Spungie 100,000+
mage riley 100,000+
Mytzal 100,000+
Zarthong 100,000+
Egg 100,000+
web 100,000+
dream1990 100,000+
Teva 100,000+
dager 120 100,000+
Killing 100,000+
Sarah 32 100,000+
tourcherer 100,000+
Turkey Dinner 100,000+
Lacryphus 100,000+
MidnightPhoenix_ 100,000+
Folklore 100,000+
Divine Sentinel 100,000+
Bet 100,000+
Czorag 100,000+
Ollumi 100,000+
Valoria 100,000+
Sammzy 100,000+
Xhayr 100,000+
Yinimi 100,000+
Azarooth 100,000+
Ahm4d 100,000+
worrren123 100,000+
Blaer 100,000+
Kenro 100,000+
Xykrone 100,000+
ShaunQuinn1 100,000+
Ngojuice 100,000+
Drogal 100,000+
aang195 100,000+
Senkay 100,000+
Ronin 100,000+
QUAVO 100,000+
Mark Drakath 100,000+
Arguss 100,000+
Fonz 100,000+
oversky99 100,000+
axell5 100,000+
hrtobbe 100,000+
Zollie 100,000+
sadler thedarkhearted 100,000+
Syo 100,000+
omg100008 100,000+
PE12347 100,000+
WiF 100,000+
C O S M O S 100,000+
Hal 100,000+
Angel of Dawnlight 100,000+
Pic 100,000+
Meteor_Dragonoid 100,000+
neoseeker 100,000+
LofiXO 100,000+
Vsm 100,000+
Resfeber 100,000+
HentyOP 100,000+
I I I I I I I 100,000+
WarDragon24 100,000+
Mighty Havoc 100,000+
Mmadara 100,000+
Syge 100,000+
The Chronomancer 100,000+
Neonraven 100,000+
ChocolateSStrawberrys 100,000+
SxT 100,000+
MaxoReno 100,000+
destoryer77 100,000+
Xee 100,000+
drako174 100,000+
Scry 100,000+
Ane 100,000+
ultradraco 100,000+
Komando 100,000+
Preguica 100,000+
Ziokung 100,000+
Xivu Arath 100,000+
Enekin 100,000+
wermyre 100,000+
Necr0l0rd 100,000+
Dustin 100,000+
Atrugiel 100,000+
Monochrome65 100,000+
The Gravelyn 100,000+
NIJA765 100,000+
BHR 100,000+
alpha lord555 100,000+
tkirbs 100,000+
Haage 100,000+
WoRLAND 100,000+
beam1124 100,000+
Qee 100,000+
Draidus 100,000+
kagotsu 100,000+
Rias 100,000+
Agoraphobic 100,000+
Ryne Rozen 100,000+
Halomanbob 100,000+
o destemido45 100,000+
deadstorm30 100,000+
My Sweetie Boo 100,000+
Dark Chronix 100,000+
bini saya 100,000+
Icarus Rising 100,000+
Kirisaki Kazuki 100,000+
Zadara 100,000+
Oxate 100,000+
worldmaniac 100,000+
YII 100,000+
Trading 100,000+
HaradaFLV 100,000+
BBL 100,000+
Catto the Cat 100,000+
King Dean 100,000+
WashyoWang 100,000+
ffff 100,000+
Krota 100,000+
Raven Guertena 100,000+
spyFROST 100,000+
Maby 100,000+
A24 100,000+
Collowar 100,000+
Thonar Ragnarokarc 100,000+
m att 100,000+
OnePandaLord 100,000+
j_j 100,000+
Rakkon 100,000+
Komm die Sonne 100,000+
Haou 100,000+
Prospect 100,000+
OkamiStarStorm 100,000+
Fey 100,000+
ben51101ewing 100,000+
Ferry 100,000+
KOL 100,000+
Zarrage 100,000+
Rosenk 100,000+
LeRaption6879 100,000+
Navi 100,000+
ChronoEdot 100,000+
Strikey 100,000+
Uffo 100,000+
White_Canary 100,000+
Anly 100,000+
GHOST______ 100,000+
AGamerX 100,000+
Slye 100,000+
Ma_RiN 100,000+
Abdulrazzaq 100,000+
Mechanismm 100,000+
ChewyCheetos 100,000+
poolcool330 90,000+
Lightblade341 90,000+
Rikiishi 90,000+
SHECORD 90,000+
DvLBoii 90,000+
Lildingus 90,000+
seffi 80,000+
FOM 80,000+
marshilo 80,000+
Nectonius 70,000+
fale275 70,000+
Heavy 9 70,000+
Akuzar 70,000+
Old Man Void 70,000+
EtherealMagi 70,000+
aersdx 70,000+
ChunstaOP 70,000+
Okemia 70,000+
RICHARD 347 70,000+
Aurora 70,000+
tomas918 70,000+
RNA 70,000+
Mammoth 70,000+
Mil_ 70,000+
panadinhos 70,000+
Kaizerium33 70,000+
OnHunter 70,000+
Tenebros 70,000+
Crystalize 70,000+
geeq 70,000+
stixlover 70,000+
Arkhen 70,000+
Teamplayer25 70,000+
mega ultra death 70,000+
Botto Azure 70,000+
my7h 70,000+
yukxto 70,000+
Zabuza 70,000+
artaesi 60,000+
humandarkzone 60,000+
Gespenst Zerlegan 60,000+
V L O X 60,000+
Ox y 60,000+
Viridus 60,000+
Haevn 60,000+
Demise_ 60,000+
Kamagutchi 60,000+
scoobydoo 60,000+
Mbz 60,000+
Gala Knight 60,000+
Rafaell 60,000+
Incc 60,000+
Kaithros 60,000+
Bright maker 60,000+
xClutch 60,000+
Bratz 50,000+
Lexus Roxy 50,000+
Void_Taken 50,000+
welp 50,000+
Zairzix 50,000+
Nyteblade14 50,000+
Panda Ninja 50,000+
TheHellspawnHero 50,000+
Matt Rogue 12 50,000+
Antz D 50,000+
wcn1 50,000+
Saerenna 50,000+
Fetih 50,000+
wilnecromancer 50,000+
BradlesJ4 50,000+
Old Heart 50,000+
Chimin 50,000+
Rockeris 50,000+
Goranda Scarlet 50,000+
Emmur23 50,000+
Where From Here 50,000+
Dendora 50,000+
Kvelertak 50,000+
Oh Ranni 50,000+
Smurfy 50,000+
MayuAnri 50,000+
ely 50,000+
Silver Tempest77 50,000+
L S D 50,000+
Arkar0s 50,000+
YaBoyDunGoofed 50,000+
just mad 50,000+
CERVI 50,000+
Routam 50,000+
Xelias 50,000+
KomradPjotr 50,000+
Azpar 50,000+
Optifine 50,000+
18vince 50,000+
Rufles 50,000+
bgc 50,000+
Misukimi 50,000+
JP UANDER 50,000+
Prymancer 50,000+
WonderWise 50,000+
Dpr Xen 50,000+
King Alden Alteon 50,000+
Sir Reumar 50,000+
Energy 50,000+
Miteiitekure 50,000+
Rizq 50,000+
TSM 50,000+
Despera 50,000+
The Lotus 50,000+
doitover 50,000+
_SoulLife_ 50,000+
collin 50,000+
Luchelangelo 50,000+
Lyrically 50,000+
redtil12345 50,000+
King Sukuna 50,000+
Selerei 50,000+
Sifira 50,000+
Jaybrickedup 50,000+
True Alpha 50,000+
Makkura 50,000+
im424 50,000+
Barodius 50,000+
HXR 50,000+
Aeonarial 50,000+
Nophamel 50,000+
SMVFFY 50,000+
Zahavah 50,000+
Alxs 50,000+
Athellym 50,000+
beastee1 50,000+
Daniel4M 50,000+
Cylvalis 50,000+
Yotsuvena 50,000+
Hedon 50,000+
Plank 50,000+
JoJosan 50,000+
Grom 50,000+
Dimple 50,000+
whatevr 50,000+
Car 50,000+
acuarian sodium kit 50,000+
Ferre Praedonum 50,000+
Flummen99 50,000+
hoshe 50,000+
Outrunner 50,000+
Akuryo_Voidios 50,000+
Cringe 50,000+
Thierri 50,000+
Spriest 50,000+
SPOODIE 50,000+
Doughy 50,000+
Sharin 50,000+
Spacial 50,000+
Cazzu 50,000+
Ariella Pearl 50,000+
Reines 50,000+
KDD 50,000+
law the Bad 50,000+
hej_du66 50,000+
Splashin 50,000+
Jist Iced 50,000+
DraganHashira 50,000+
Dracolyn 50,000+
Dei 50,000+
Deviled 50,000+
Ace Of evil 50,000+
IRN 50,000+
tukku 50,000+
zirdy 50,000+
c00kies n cream 50,000+
anew 50,000+
Ontari 50,000+
Kaebi 50,000+
Archangel Lidith 50,000+
Muffinbringer 50,000+
tls123 50,000+
ArataShina 50,000+
combois 50,000+
IAP 50,000+
jumpside 50,000+
Kimmon 50,000+
R3N 50,000+
Oneandonly 50,000+
iGrope 50,000+
xDragonBornex 50,000+
Jormungandr_ 50,000+
JAAD 40,000+
biglommo 40,000+
kapatain 40,000+
Wr1the 40,000+
Sottboy 40,000+
Rio Kelorn 40,000+
master keys 40,000+
Lord Daniel Grey 40,000+
zackywacky1234 40,000+
Dalinar Kholin 40,000+
Anollin 40,000+
Thrown_Banana 40,000+
Fallaciuos 40,000+
AFN316 40,000+
esmir123 40,000+
SinfulSalem 40,000+
Magnus Leo 40,000+
Soul FTW 40,000+
im Taciturn 40,000+
AW1212AW 40,000+
Ragnar Astro_Tsuki 40,000+
Wey 40,000+
detrevnI 40,000+
Naekiri 40,000+
Master EXXOID 40,000+
Brona Ofiary 40,000+
Lu Guang 40,000+
Kosmeekos 40,000+
valikasas00 40,000+
JayD1zzle 40,000+
Cargooo 40,000+
Aldryth 40,000+
Lex 30,000+
Noelzal 30,000+
skarlon 30,000+
Maxine808 30,000+
Mai19 30,000+
k5v5n 30,000+
MrEdwin 30,000+
Mth 30,000+
albinomarca1838 30,000+
Z_1nkz 30,000+
Commander C 30,000+
Creydew 30,000+
Saraphim 30,000+
Khorthal 30,000+
Ms Weebijou 30,000+
AP Bry 30,000+
NDA 30,000+
PdragoX 30,000+
Black Remorse 30,000+
lucas_dark123 30,000+
ofrankie 30,000+
Friske 30,000+
NagyD 30,000+
Chivas7 30,000+
lad 30,000+
detergent4 30,000+
Jey Savus 30,000+
Demonxly 30,000+
Cyanne Aulin 30,000+
Malsivir 30,000+
THE BATMAN 30,000+
TofuTofu04 30,000+
Devil Of Divinity 30,000+
Thuaris 30,000+
Kyyoshii 30,000+
Antman 30,000+
Greatness_567 30,000+
NekoVanilla 30,000+
evrityme69 30,000+
bbobby ae 30,000+
Jaxus 30,000+
Eyeofdarkness666 30,000+
iChachi 30,000+
Populist 30,000+
DaedraXDivine 30,000+
Slayer65 30,000+
Overlord Aimee 30,000+
Apathy 30,000+
Esportivo 30,000+
austinrisepic 30,000+
Slayer937 30,000+
Ahntaeus 30,000+
tomagatchu1 30,000+
Sulu 30,000+
ProdyG14 20,000+
hall0w 20,000+
Undead Slayer145 20,000+
Sprintify 20,000+
D4Dinh 20,000+
agumon1000 20,000+
Leliel 20,000+
LazySerpent 20,000+
Lodria 20,000+
Equios 20,000+
mcdidly 20,000+
GotinDark 20,000+
Criper67 20,000+
Legion Acolyte 20,000+
ninjalime 20,000+
DarkLegion2299 20,000+
ShadowCarl 20,000+
Rofie 20,000+
NoxArcCorus 20,000+
Fezzari 20,000+
Ryisu 20,000+
xepher92 20,000+
BeelzeBubFlames 20,000+
HSRusso 20,000+
arthur_fear 20,000+
cjthegod 20,000+
Helevu 20,000+
Ze Mage 20,000+
ultimo lider mundial 20,000+
The Sire 20,000+
iKon 20,000+
Kentai 20,000+
Xole 20,000+
NovusEterna 20,000+
Blake Schnee 20,000+
XKEN 20,000+
EUReKA Mx 20,000+
Neb 20,000+
Celtic_Merzi 20,000+
Keyal 20,000+
fcb1 20,000+
RXL 20,000+
Yeva 20,000+
Jonta 20,000+
to_onoma 20,000+
sunce103 20,000+
Icy Shelena 20,000+
The Stranger 20,000+
xzironcronzx 20,000+
Eid 20,000+
Kiolo 20,000+
The_Red_Gem 20,000+
Martin The Protector 20,000+
DiZ 20,000+
Jiang_Wei 20,000+
Lucas__ 20,000+
Strykerhelios 20,000+
R3BOCO 20,000+
InfernoGuy 20,000+
Baydz 20,000+
LuciMourningStar 20,000+
Scrouge 20,000+
DarkElf 619 20,000+
gvmu hello 20,000+
ntg 20,000+
Slowchu 20,000+
Zurui 20,000+
Xille 20,000+
Raykou 20,000+
Hvc 20,000+
modmaxmod 20,000+
Yak 20,000+
Acryonix 20,000+
mathiou 20,000+
v13 20,000+
Petyr 20,000+
insane asylum123 20,000+
Jucocun 20,000+
mt1379 20,000+
WbKing 20,000+
Relu 20,000+
Aelinon 20,000+
Stare 20,000+
maicompdr 20,000+
talordes 20,000+
superZ1 20,000+
Daddy Daddy 20,000+
usp 20,000+
Ronin Away 20,000+
david4261 20,000+
Sky_Ivy 20,000+
HD Revan prime 20,000+
MaeMae 20,000+
wolfking5444 20,000+
lheroique32 20,000+
crabo 20,000+
HD Lyran 20,000+
Lazy Wrath 20,000+
Jem 20,000+
Faystal 20,000+
Orbina 20,000+
Kxrby 20,000+
BaNE_300 20,000+
Kareem 20,000+
Famous 20,000+
Fweyja 20,000+
ashimaru 20,000+
mirelaobi 20,000+
Tomosino 20,000+
Prince Daegon 20,000+
a4r0n 20,000+
Korriban Gaming 20,000+
jolly queen 20,000+
Hyoga 20,000+
Stelgo 20,000+
HD Darkcraft 20,000+
zBumstead 20,000+
CalAQW 20,000+
luka 4 20,000+
Nyut 20,000+
Eln 20,000+
BryceJ 20,000+
Olm 20,000+
Somacruz01 20,000+
Saitou The Reaper 20,000+
Nullinreap 20,000+
brad659 20,000+
FaiGraph 20,000+
x7r_w 20,000+
Phenix 20,000+
Edward Lepp 20,000+
francisco104 20,000+
Rhens 20,000+
Stubino 20,000+
Black_Crusade 20,000+
slow999 20,000+
Imroatus 20,000+
dilleno2 20,000+
DannTx 20,000+
Koz 20,000+
Genesis 20,000+
Zaphyris 20,000+
lukasmenin 20,000+
Dream 20,000+
osc 20,000+
Raida_ 20,000+
deathtotheheart 20,000+
nacho libray 20,000+
Mrlorq 20,000+

The list updates about every five minutes. The list might appear different when viewed from different users, because of temporary web site caching.