
Frostval 2024 AC Gifting Event

Total ACs Gifted this Season: 137,294,000
Number of chars Received a Gift: 55,946
Read Design Notes to learn more.

Highest Gifting Totals

This is the list of top 1000 players that have given the most Adventure Coins this season. We thank you for your kindness and generosity!

Character ACs Given
vaza 2,000,000+
Splooshh 1,250,000+
StrawberryCheese 800,000+
slightlysleepy 700,000+
Drago2533 600,000+
Luxsuna 550,000+
RenStimpy 500,000+
Wockhardt 350,000+
Kiyoon 250,000+
iko 250,000+
Eltin 200,000+
HBU 200,000+
to0to0689 200,000+
Smokin All Deadz 200,000+
Doomed User 200,000+
Wickings 200,000+
Ungodly Wafflez 200,000+
Pixels Is Hero 200,000+
Rabler 200,000+
cjderrick 200,000+
Trm 150,000+
Zagnut 150,000+
Sweet Saccharine 150,000+
Wr1the 150,000+
Wolfspirit 150,000+
Legendary kid13 150,000+
Salei 150,000+
FeeniiXxX 150,000+
Darmerath 150,000+
Zelioni 150,000+
Asuth 150,000+
B1TB00P3R 100,000+
ChronoEdot 100,000+
deadxchaos 100,000+
Caedwyrr 100,000+
infernophoenix15 100,000+
Neonraven 100,000+
l 100,000+
sadler thedarkhearted 100,000+
Greek 100,000+
Pole 100,000+
Misukimi 100,000+
dark star 6 100,000+
HaradaFLV 100,000+
Sers 100,000+
Urixire 100,000+
MastaTray 100,000+
Aladdin 100,000+
NACHT XERX 100,000+
ddax 100,000+
Brona Ofiary 100,000+
The Nameless King 100,000+
Tiberia 100,000+
Xyphorix 100,000+
Demonx_ 100,000+
king of monkey 100,000+
Jacob23432 100,000+
Severa 100,000+
KMK 100,000+
Skyper 100,000+
splashh 100,000+
Keiran 100,000+
BratzDoll 100,000+
remy de derde 100,000+
Terrific 100,000+
Fic 100,000+
Excluded 100,000+
Kaan 100,000+
PULLOUT1 100,000+
Minotaurus 100,000+
cnj 100,000+
Hallvie 100,000+
dragon slayer55 100,000+
Jase 100,000+
Viridus 100,000+
C R O 100,000+
Botto Azure 100,000+
Lucifer 100,000+
Bra__Bra 100,000+
Hal 100,000+
Hotch 100,000+
producetions 100,000+
ymk 100,000+
X_ _ 100,000+
eoda 100,000+
Xayveon 100,000+
kirbena 100,000+
DvLz 100,000+
Fix 100,000+
Gyary 100,000+
Eitr 100,000+
Darkwolf143 100,000+
Arch Dragon 100,000+
Dif 100,000+
Clumpty 100,000+
Dergoson 100,000+
KGN 100,000+
Zeuse 100,000+
Caribou 100,000+
Old Man Void 100,000+
Star Death22 100,000+
Max Brando 100,000+
Jester of Thorns 100,000+
Ninja. 100,000+
Unkillable 100,000+
Belle 100,000+
Teva 100,000+
Marook 100,000+
Mudkrab 100,000+
MARCKK 100,000+
Bruno_ 100,000+
FallenXstar 100,000+
killer class 100,000+
leumi 100,000+
Tmo 100,000+
Luchelangelo 100,000+
Pyet 100,000+
Kuroten 100,000+
Amx 100,000+
TiberiousSabet 100,000+
Iv3x 100,000+
OBG 100,000+
Syrius VII 100,000+
funney200 100,000+
Redosis 100,000+
xHD 100,000+
PurPaul 100,000+
Old Rag 100,000+
another sociopath 100,000+
Ferion 100,000+
grothel 100,000+
J0k1rr 100,000+
rwb 100,000+
Xekra 100,000+
Tixy 100,000+
The GGG 100,000+
Lamar 100,000+
Daegra 100,000+
Techno 100,000+
Junk 100,000+
Battlerobo 100,000+
Quokka633 100,000+
megatech2431 100,000+
artaesi 100,000+
Misha206 100,000+
FLC 100,000+
Wanderson_ 100,000+
legendary7 100,000+
skull crater 100,000+
Treasures 100,000+
Felmyst 100,000+
Kuroinu 100,000+
QUAVO 100,000+
Bronze 100,000+
Lyh 100,000+
Demonhunter 100,000+
xandecco 100,000+
Yukine Ren 100,000+
Vatria 100,000+
Thae 100,000+
SyI 100,000+
O Professor 100,000+
Frostval Peasant 100,000+
Diretor 100,000+
Ocanada 100,000+
LFI 100,000+
Killua 100,000+
Ivampi 100,000+
UAE 100,000+
cruyf 100,000+
Eqho 100,000+
Slothful Entity 100,000+
D a y 100,000+
RNA 100,000+
Senun 100,000+
Gorish 100,000+
SVX 100,000+
Iradas 100,000+
McCarty 100,000+
AWOK 100,000+
GAND1 100,000+
Toji 100,000+
TeeeZee 100,000+
Socko 100,000+
rruurruu77 100,000+
Aly 100,000+
TLOS 100,000+
psych ward cutie 100,000+
gab0r 100,000+
zzino 100,000+
its over 9000 100,000+
Soen 100,000+
The Gravelyn 100,000+
stixlover 100,000+
Amaith 100,000+
BIG_TOM 100,000+
dpd45 100,000+
xes 100,000+
Tiggaun 100,000+
Vaeil 100,000+
YuraFrey 100,000+
Hildryne 100,000+
LsScrub 100,000+
Espacho 100,000+
Dragonking_89 100,000+
Enzo 100,000+
T BOOGIE 100,000+
CUPID XD1 100,000+
Lem 100,000+
Comical 100,000+
doctor shotgun 100,000+
u3u 100,000+
shanemaster1995 100,000+
goldtem 100,000+
Gobna 100,000+
Corpster 100,000+
Lonai 100,000+
m3tropoly 100,000+
deified 100,000+
HellMarinha 100,000+
Murk 100,000+
Utsuro 100,000+
maplezstory8 100,000+
popinloopy 100,000+
Jyul 100,000+
crnd 100,000+
Sicarre 100,000+
Gawr Fiude 100,000+
Lordul Infernului 100,000+
maghedon 100,000+
Rosfield 100,000+
KDD 100,000+
Zau 100,000+
Preguica 100,000+
Kenro 100,000+
dragonrude 100,000+
AroWtic 100,000+
Syge 100,000+
Koga 100,000+
Moraesx 100,000+
Lex 100,000+
Halomanbob 100,000+
De Vries 100,000+
Curious Fox 100,000+
Eyd 100,000+
Sylvey 100,000+
Azriael 100,000+
Denolth 100,000+
NEXSUS 100,000+
DemonixX 100,000+
Moneyman97 100,000+
Ancient 100,000+
MKZ 100,000+
LightFlare 100,000+
Valyriaxis 100,000+
pookies 100,000+
Lzix 100,000+
Priest_Hidan 100,000+
DustlandDweller 100,000+
Yami13 100,000+
uuu 100,000+
SirCracker 100,000+
Fogo 100,000+
Caelid 100,000+
NDA 100,000+
Miteiitekure 100,000+
Azazel _ 100,000+
eggo 100,000+
SlliK 100,000+
Vart Evil 100,000+
Nezerpz 100,000+
Zouble 100,000+
Komando 100,000+
Foxy 100,000+
Diego 01 100,000+
HeyLysn 100,000+
Slabsteria 100,000+
Kxne 100,000+
Star Hero 100,000+
RAMSOLO 100,000+
espartano 800 100,000+
Midna 100,000+
deoxsis12 100,000+
Gym_Reaper 100,000+
JMC 100,000+
Ranzeed 100,000+
jsv 100,000+
uki 100,000+
Sue Desu 100,000+
Louk 100,000+
Herur 100,000+
c1nder 100,000+
Kuronosuke 100,000+
Meory Anawe 100,000+
Hoppity 100,000+
ID_Chupri 100,000+
BIazing 100,000+
StarJouster 100,000+
Fury_0 100,000+
Niquee 100,000+
Aziel Grimz 100,000+
Yessirskii 100,000+
Yoplay 100,000+
Zahavah 100,000+
GoddessKiska 100,000+
Help 100,000+
Jeh 100,000+
Gold 100,000+
Shank 100,000+
Scrouge 100,000+
Jimmy Chew 100,000+
The deaf warrior 100,000+
lordj33 100,000+
Tidel 100,000+
ForDking 100,000+
Dimple 100,000+
Halcyonn 100,000+
XShadowRaidenX 100,000+
Oyy 100,000+
Gwen 100,000+
DeleteQ 100,000+
killerpp2 100,000+
Jem 100,000+
Marciera 100,000+
Mailo 100,000+
Aku 100,000+
Zera P 100,000+
Lilith 100,000+
Senjumaru 100,000+
Sir Ver 100,000+
Xeighart 100,000+
scr 100,000+
Duwahkeen 100,000+
Vincurt 100,000+
Gas 100,000+
Makkura 100,000+
Manetheren 100,000+
Reingoat 100,000+
Leonage 100,000+
Dante Reinhardt 100,000+
Kaxes 100,000+
Felwinter 100,000+
izzxxx 100,000+
Somacruz01 100,000+
spond 100,000+
Folklore 100,000+
Seishido 100,000+
Witchbane 100,000+
Lilith Superbia 100,000+
merkij 100,000+
out 100,000+
blazekin234 100,000+
mpayne6 100,000+
doom dragon7 100,000+
joey35 100,000+
Admiral Horkbijar 100,000+
Blake Schnee 100,000+
Question _ 100,000+
1c2at 100,000+
Kyteler 100,000+
Sylveon 100,000+
Ronin 100,000+
taomon 100,000+
lusen96 100,000+
Hakuin 100,000+
Anemia 100,000+
MisfortuneLord 100,000+
x dragon3 100,000+
Grom 100,000+
Frydorr 100,000+
jozh1998 100,000+
nuag 100,000+
XSA 100,000+
Meteor_Dragonoid 100,000+
Spungie 100,000+
Killing 100,000+
guy 100,000+
Millie_ 100,000+
Mick 100,000+
tourcherer 100,000+
Arogar 100,000+
King Vlad 100,000+
olf 100,000+
web 100,000+
SimplyKenny 100,000+
Straikerr 100,000+
ZERO EX7 100,000+
Videlle 100,000+
Ahm4d 100,000+
Vilza 100,000+
Kanista 100,000+
Caio_ 100,000+
Sammzy 100,000+
Enekin 100,000+
pipinds 100,000+
C Peace 100,000+
ShibbyGoddess 100,000+
Jheeu 100,000+
Zecaledon 100,000+
Ngojuice 100,000+
collin 100,000+
Asahnaki 100,000+
aL3rT 100,000+
Lehnsherr 100,000+
hyrar 100,000+
Zeriz 100,000+
Ob3R0N 100,000+
axell5 100,000+
Eggony 100,000+
Dustin 100,000+
Dakirro 100,000+
Phenix 100,000+
Jodaddy 100,000+
Sepullchure V 100,000+
aang195 100,000+
Akuzar 100,000+
Dei 100,000+
Precinotti 2 100,000+
Bandit1203 100,000+
SAILOR ALEX 100,000+
WiF 100,000+
PaytonMaster334 100,000+
francisco104 100,000+
fft360 100,000+
Vsm 100,000+
Alz Isiri 100,000+
FLYG0D 100,000+
dream1990 100,000+
Veethoven 100,000+
zo_el 100,000+
Ir0n 100,000+
master keys 100,000+
LightMonarch 100,000+
Fey 100,000+
Elaa 100,000+
Resfeber 100,000+
Notes 100,000+
R A 9 100,000+
joboadobo 100,000+
Tiago 100,000+
Chuunibyo 100,000+
constructor 204 100,000+
Jist Iced 100,000+
Esasis 100,000+
Guitar 100,000+
Karma Justice 100,000+
HAZART 100,000+
kayvion1 100,000+
Futures 100,000+
mandyr 100,000+
dragonoz1 100,000+
M7D 100,000+
Claribel 100,000+
Navi 100,000+
OnHunter 100,000+
alpha balfour 100,000+
Mos 100,000+
DeQuincey 100,000+
Trent09 100,000+
misery344652 100,000+
Ultra Nulgath 100,000+
Katsuki Razzblueberry 100,000+
The Chronomancer 100,000+
RomeoSD 100,000+
Scry 100,000+
Lightblade341 100,000+
Parlethe 100,000+
thunderstrike108 100,000+
Ziokung 100,000+
Drakath Champion Chaos 100,000+
Mikhailis 100,000+
Azarus 100,000+
ddj23 100,000+
tartantica 100,000+
GetLucki 100,000+
Frisk 100,000+
LibraAuros 100,000+
Murder 100,000+
Dracolyn 100,000+
Albion Pendragon 100,000+
xXdeadlydawnXx 100,000+
R0yal 100,000+
Dream 100,000+
daza 100,000+
dadarkcreature 100,000+
Xhayr 100,000+
Pet 100,000+
Duka_ 100,000+
Jack D 100,000+
Torikaze 100,000+
Zekyu 100,000+
Double Dee 100,000+
Mammoth 100,000+
Mikoto Ryu 100,000+
Anuala 100,000+
Hyre 100,000+
disi_disney 100,000+
Slaine 100,000+
Froszt 100,000+
Dawn Morningstar 100,000+
Caviar 100,000+
Snore 100,000+
Retro 100,000+
McLuvin 100,000+
end1 100,000+
Aragoz 100,000+
tkirbs 100,000+
unidentifiable 100,000+
boabom 100,000+
beam1124 100,000+
wuh 100,000+
yawa ka 100,000+
exz 100,000+
Ari 100,000+
Willian 100,000+
Aurora Frost 100,000+
TKVII 100,000+
tomas918 100,000+
QAR 100,000+
boy v i p 100,000+
Reixe 100,000+
OkamiStarStorm 100,000+
Algant 100,000+
panadinhos 100,000+
Flutten 100,000+
LiHangZ 100,000+
Kleio 100,000+
Mewsy 100,000+
Chapel 100,000+
Strikey 100,000+
Wokyo 100,000+
G R Y P H E R O 100,000+
Maloi 100,000+
Twillz 100,000+
integra Dremora 100,000+
Fam2346 100,000+
Fog 100,000+
Mmadara 100,000+
Kenmeri 100,000+
Imut 100,000+
Cyn 100,000+
Kamagutchi 100,000+
Draidus 100,000+
Slye 100,000+
H e x e r 100,000+
Yuto Sakurai 100,000+
Senkay 100,000+
Gref 100,000+
m att 100,000+
Mipan 100,000+
Mewk 100,000+
Valraxaxath 100,000+
MsKRen 100,000+
pdrotmas 100,000+
Gouenji 100,000+
Citlalia 100,000+
King Dean 100,000+
ffff 100,000+
Kan 100,000+
tls123 100,000+
Tois 100,000+
ribeiro_ 100,000+
Akli Roth 100,000+
Prospect 100,000+
Ne me 100,000+
Rikiishi 100,000+
G3n 100,000+
lucas tean 100,000+
Akeha 100,000+
BLANK2632 100,000+
MNG 100,000+
Rarex 100,000+
Rystar 100,000+
46Top 100,000+
KRB 100,000+
Rapi 100,000+
spyFROST 100,000+
Bocephus 100,000+
BlackXandu 100,000+
Mama Catto 100,000+
PinkPric 100,000+
Mommy Domme 100,000+
Jinnie 100,000+
The Divine Spirit 100,000+
Toy 100,000+
Kuat 100,000+
Mr Wandaro 100,000+
Lunayaa 100,000+
uwow 100,000+
Kami no Desu 100,000+
Necol 100,000+
OnePandaLord 100,000+
Nemriel 100,000+
Hatsune Neko 100,000+
MrMadNess 100,000+
DarkSoldier_ 100,000+
Bjs 100,000+
Ac holic 100,000+
YoonaPrimera 100,000+
Trading 90,000+
Master EXXOID 80,000+
catt0 80,000+
Adara 80,000+
sleepy zzz 80,000+
Fayhan 80,000+
Oshino 80,000+
Pogonop 80,000+
sti_ricardito 80,000+
shinidoshi 80,000+
Rotachi Uchiha 80,000+
Killer _NSD 80,000+
Zioh 80,000+
Ivaliss 70,000+
Icy Shelena 70,000+
First 70,000+
mono RAY 70,000+
Lagster 70,000+
laene 70,000+
Ferre Praedonum 70,000+
Amemiya 70,000+
S__r1T 70,000+
kairi x 70,000+
awesometank95steel 70,000+
RKC 70,000+
AVLVG 70,000+
Robert brasil 70,000+
Harutora 70,000+
ArataShina 70,000+
just mad 70,000+
Vyk 70,000+
Moesue 70,000+
Malachias 70,000+
Angel of Dawnlight 70,000+
Halie 70,000+
Okemia 70,000+
Ruka Shinozaki 70,000+
Aphea 70,000+
ZhenGx 70,000+
CERVI 70,000+
Rhaga 60,000+
etna 400 60,000+
lord cloud geass 60,000+
Mailynn S 60,000+
Achilless 60,000+
NubeLC 60,000+
CherryJack 60,000+
Wsp_Blaze 60,000+
Rio Kelorn 60,000+
AllMouthy 60,000+
Cuffuffles 60,000+
Raven Guertena 60,000+
darknight87 60,000+
Mark Drakath 60,000+
Nagishiro 60,000+
DaneDolla 50,000+
wipes 50,000+
Princess Yasmine 50,000+
Kouros 50,000+
Bamagotic 50,000+
albinomarca1838 50,000+
Goranda Scarlet 50,000+
Maul 50,000+
Lord Cthuwu 50,000+
Daoza 50,000+
Dabrik 50,000+
uni 50,000+
MRM 50,000+
Vindicator Of Them 50,000+
Br o ok 50,000+
Grezav 50,000+
bugha 50,000+
Desperation 50,000+
Zenomaru 50,000+
yuma7178 50,000+
l2fullpower147 50,000+
Lamut 50,000+
Rubz8r0 50,000+
luis echila 50,000+
Keiren 50,000+
esse 50,000+
Dope_ 50,000+
FoeyJins 50,000+
A melia 50,000+
Drow Lord 50,000+
brunozika9 50,000+
Lyrically 50,000+
batterymaster360 50,000+
Womanizer 50,000+
Icy Jade 50,000+
Saint Leo 50,000+
Kosuke mystwalker 50,000+
vestaxowner 50,000+
acetylene 50,000+
irion0811 50,000+
Boothill 50,000+
TheCoolKing007 50,000+
Chl0rine 50,000+
Enezan 50,000+
Dystar 50,000+
WarIock 50,000+
Ferns 50,000+
Lyra Fury 50,000+
chaos legionist 50,000+
Kaliizebel 50,000+
Charlastik 50,000+
Sarah 32 50,000+
HNck 50,000+
TheOGRandomPleb 50,000+
nero draconis 50,000+
Seirek 50,000+
Kulabee 50,000+
yuppers 50,000+
PySiCoTiCo 50,000+
Wah 50,000+
WonderWise 50,000+
Xylia_ 50,000+
Nemeya 50,000+
Cealus 50,000+
shayleen 50,000+
Lord Ziikap 50,000+
Dimeeee 50,000+
iIReborN 50,000+
TrueBPower 50,000+
Ekko 50,000+
Ulkina 50,000+
Xee 50,000+
Sapphira Nyx 50,000+
Aimyu 50,000+
Keweku 50,000+
Wounds 50,000+
hemenskype 50,000+
denisubob 50,000+
Hirumi 50,000+
Zeekobaby 50,000+
Sua 50,000+
Amiga 50,000+
Hypee 50,000+
Exa 50,000+
Archfiendius 50,000+
Trydeth 50,000+
THE DORK ONE 50,000+
Tayo 50,000+
Spudzilla 50,000+
Veenar 50,000+
Feline 50,000+
Vampire King Kaname 50,000+
ewa 50,000+
Nyut 50,000+
Zikur 50,000+
Executus 50,000+
PancakeHousing 50,000+
Alxs 50,000+
YummyTamashi 50,000+
Iggy 50,000+
Karppa 50,000+
Crosoder 50,000+
xtt 50,000+
Martel 50,000+
Energy 50,000+
ivarking 50,000+
Radakor 50,000+
sora nai 50,000+
Erling Haaland 50,000+
SxT 50,000+
Venom Flame 50,000+
PUDDlNG 50,000+
ILaxus 50,000+
okami amasterasu 50,000+
Takao 50,000+
Lodria 50,000+
Chouko 50,000+
Guada 50,000+
Copycat 50,000+
Iraya 50,000+
Akuryo_Voidios 50,000+
Yiju 50,000+
Saikou Amanzuke 50,000+
TCHEddu 50,000+
Dpr Xen 50,000+
qpi 50,000+
TommiBoi 50,000+
Doom Spectrum 50,000+
duo 50,000+
Crystalize 50,000+
August Reavau 50,000+
Sifira 50,000+
Rockeris 50,000+
Primordial 50,000+
Kyyoshii 50,000+
rorry5 50,000+
TheBigSteve 50,000+
Cyanx 50,000+
Fenz Sly 50,000+
Cruel Defender 50,000+
Ege 50,000+
PanterBread 50,000+
bernand5 50,000+
Cariana 50,000+
Cooooooooooooooooooookie 50,000+
Not_Miltonius 50,000+
hafriz 50,000+
Xazo 50,000+
Suprise Spy 50,000+
ChampionGundyr 50,000+
Azren99 50,000+
Shifuo 50,000+
nitrox xy 50,000+
Yre 50,000+
Asashin_ 50,000+
Nyx 50,000+
Spellcaster2 50,000+
Miki x Tobi 50,000+
ffa 50,000+
Katodi 50,000+
arzyn 50,000+
Cardasz 50,000+
Topz 50,000+
YCO 50,000+
Roachhh 50,000+
AoiJoey 50,000+
Projeccone 50,000+
Fantasycrystal 50,000+
Ziruna 50,000+
adquwo3 50,000+
Kid Django 50,000+
Kaizerium33 50,000+
Cyleen 50,000+
LVK 50,000+
shadowfinisher 50,000+
Xenoi 50,000+
Dark Alshven 50,000+
Alyseca 50,000+
Mitron 50,000+
Archangel Mikael 50,000+
lst 50,000+
Shoji 50,000+
TwilightTemptress 50,000+
Seath 50,000+
the boss 1312 50,000+
Aradicus 50,000+
Zaratos 50,000+
Yanniekun 50,000+
Ign 50,000+
Mythe the Viridian 50,000+
O_Q 50,000+
Luckur 50,000+
KMZ 50,000+
Cast 50,000+
Kamui_01 50,000+
Salacia 50,000+
White_Canary 50,000+
O Lepus 50,000+
Pogus 50,000+
Poliahu 50,000+
Alt Tab 50,000+
Treva Escura 50,000+
Snu 50,000+
Glokyo 50,000+
Selerei 50,000+
Faysti 50,000+
Drax6667 50,000+
lllustrious 50,000+
LazyVagrant 50,000+
Durfbear9191 50,000+
HarumagedonMDZ 50,000+
Lysols 40,000+
Evil Elemental 40,000+
YFMB 40,000+
Taeneo 40,000+
Denh 40,000+
Fote 40,000+
Canady 40,000+
Sheyk BR 40,000+
Droust 40,000+
Matheus 40,000+
Daddy Daddy 40,000+
Feid 40,000+
deathtotheheart 40,000+
Warden Tarnation 40,000+
Mai19 40,000+
Bokyaku 40,000+
The steel tiatan 40,000+
Hero rank S 40,000+
dragonkingIX 40,000+
golden hart 40,000+
Spacial 40,000+
mamluk 40,000+
Yediseven 30,000+
daniel_shun 30,000+
Xyx 30,000+
Toritos8700 30,000+
lich99 30,000+
Kouryl 30,000+
KoRaz8 30,000+
MichuJ 30,000+
Argumo 30,000+
Xole 30,000+
CursedFoxx 30,000+
Hyt 30,000+
Xzeq 30,000+
InfernoGuy 30,000+
Time Kid 30,000+
to_onoma 30,000+
kylebro11234 30,000+
Citadel 30,000+
MrClunkers 30,000+
Axeros Little Kitty 30,000+
Prince Rhaegar 30,000+
KORTION 30,000+
Tommestokken 30,000+
Dawg Pound 30,000+
Ikuzombie 30,000+
alekeh 30,000+
DoomKnight Overlord 30,000+
Daylah 30,000+
Myeong 20,000+
Fatalis_ 20,000+
poolcool330 20,000+
Marsion 20,000+
La Canne 20,000+
Ger528 20,000+
Mhelefia 20,000+
Black Remorse 20,000+
Captain Silva 20,000+
Echoblast 20,000+
Cakeyy 20,000+
Bergamo 20,000+
Trials of Hell 20,000+
RealmsOfLondo 20,000+
I_S_A 20,000+
Minimi__ 20,000+
Beatrixy 20,000+
Taichou7 20,000+
SongOfSlaanesh 20,000+
slayer646 20,000+
Lillish 20,000+
Oisa 20,000+
gu5 20,000+
Legolasxd 20,000+
Jason Scythe 20,000+
TheRoseDragon 20,000+
Jinglebelly 20,000+
AISTELO 20,000+
Vandetta 20,000+
K9NINE 20,000+
Selfhood 20,000+
Serimple 20,000+
kasandra 20,000+
Shmuel 20,000+
ponzii 20,000+
maxgogeta 20,000+
obalak 20,000+
bimbi abiyyu 20,000+
Kimmy 20,000+
tuginmaphuda 20,000+
User666 20,000+
Blackroux 20,000+
hyourinmaru_br 20,000+
Stelgo 20,000+
RenSlayer 20,000+
DubyLouis 95 20,000+
SaultHeroC 20,000+
zardy21 20,000+
dracoknighto9 20,000+
Figobigo 20,000+
UniqueDuFFy 20,000+
Norn Aritheus 20,000+
carnage warrior 20,000+
Ghost Ice 20,000+
v13 20,000+
godofwar454 20,000+
the present 20,000+
_Macke_ 20,000+
Victory 20,000+
aquira 20,000+
Eagle 20,000+
Miyavi 20,000+
V z y 20,000+
Jason Blades 20,000+
NightSiege90 20,000+
Huwi 20,000+
skarlon 20,000+
Zhadow 20,000+
Zanxle 20,000+
Achilles 20,000+
Rylda 20,000+
chaidel 20,000+
h0llow Ae 20,000+
welp 20,000+
LTheLordh 20,000+
Bobby 20,000+
Freyrr 20,000+
maicompdr 20,000+
thyreous 20,000+
Odins Dovah 20,000+
Rizq 20,000+
jhoncasas 20,000+
Lupus Le Grand 20,000+

The list updates about every five minutes. The list might appear different when viewed from different users, because of temporary web site caching.